Good news to report!
Dear Friends,We are pleased to announce that after almost 9 years of hard work on the issue of skilled immigration backlogs, we finally have good news to report. The Obama administration has issued an administrative [...]
Dear Friends,We are pleased to announce that after almost 9 years of hard work on the issue of skilled immigration backlogs, we finally have good news to report. The Obama administration has issued an administrative [...]
Dear Friends,As many of you may have heard, President Obama’s administration is planning to announce immigration relief in the form of administrative reform in the next few days. While the exact details are unknown at [...]
Immigration Voice urges the White House and the Department of Homeland Security’s policymakers to make specific administrative fixes to the skilled immigration system. Immigration Voice also hails the President's Executive Action on Immigration. [...]
Dear Friends, As you may know, the comments period for the Spousal Work Authorization Administrative fix is over. Immigration Voice strongly supports this fix and we applaud DHS for the proposed regulation. On behalf [...]
Immigration Voice submitted comments and recommendations to further improve the proposed regulation for allowing Employment Authorization Documents (EAD) for certain H4 visa holders. Additionally, to push for bipartisan immigration reform, around forty-five Immigration Voice [...]
On June 23rd and 24th, high-skilled immigrants from across the country will converge on Capitol Hill to press for common-sense immigration reform that will end green card backlogs for employment-based immigrants. The event is [...]
This morning, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced proposed regulations that will allow H-4 dependent spouses of certain principal H-1B workers to request employment authorization. Current rules prevent thousands of immigrant spouses already [...]
Immigration Voice welcomes rules allowing immigrants’ spouses to work and calls for further administrative action to reduce backlogs. “Today’s administrative action brings welcome relief to spouses of those employment-based immigrants caught in the green card backlog,” [...]
Despite bad weather conditions in Washington, D.C., Immigration Voice members from all across the United States gathered in the nation’s capital to advocate for bipartisan immigration reform. Nearly 150 meetings were held in one day. [...]
On March 3rd and 4th, high-skilled immigrants from across the country will converge on Capitol Hill to press for common-sense immigration reform that will end green card backlogs for employment-based immigrants. The event is [...]